Welcome to the latest STEM newsletter for Primary Schools from your local STEM Ambassador Hub. 

We are delighted that so many schools have been engaging with Ambassadors during the last half term.  STEM Ambassadors are still keen to offer as many enrichment opportunities as possible to learners.

Please encourage colleagues to register with STEM Learning in order to receive the See Science newsletter in the future using the link:

See Science  have a facebook page where we will also be sharing lots of new ideas regularly - please like or follow the page.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can support the teaching of STEM subjects 
With best wishes 

The See Science Team

Header title text

The newsletter that's an essential source of information and inspiration for teachers and anyone with an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) engagement in Wales.


STEM news and Events

Local Events and National Events

Facillitated Workshops and Support

Competitions and Grants 

To support teachers to continue educating young people during these unprecedented times  STEM Learning  have developed a range of materials, including free resources, tips from our subject experts and professional development opportunities.

STEM Ambassador's involvement can engage and enthuse both students and teachers. If you are interested in asking a STEM Ambassador to assist you can make your request hereWe’ve created brief guides to encourage both STEM Ambassadors and educators to use the self-service. 

If an Ambassador has engaged with you, or if you have met an Ambassador at an enrichment activity, we would be very grateful if you could fill in our teacher feedback form. Please encourage colleagues to respond.



Tredegar School ventures into Black Holes!

At Tredegar School in October Teacher Sophie Dodds hosted an exciting STEM Ambassador  session delivered by Professor Chris Jeynes. Chris is a Professorial Research Fellow at University of Surrey, but based in Wales and very pleased to support his local community schools.

Sophie is a great supporter of the STEM Ambassador programme “we are very appreciative of any input from STEM Ambassadors as it helps to enrich our
Their topic was Space, a topic with plenty of scope for yr 9 - 11 pupils.
Chris proposed a session on Black Holes and with Covid safety regulations in place, he was
able to attend the school in person.
The session began with a Q&A on his career, and what the pupils already knew about Black
Holes - they included lively discussions:

Sophie commented
Many thanks to Professor Chris Jeynes a STEM Ambassador who gave a mind blowing talk
about Black Holes to a range of pupils yesterday. It really was an enriching experience for
our pupils @YGTredegarCS

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The Curiosity Club – STEM and Archaeology

STEM Ambassador Poppy Hodkinson graduated in Archaeology from Cardiff University.
Poppy joined the STEM Ambassador programme to fulfil her aim of raising the profile of STEM to young people and communities through her Research Projects.
After graduating Poppy founded Curiosity Club. Curiosity Club is funded by Children in Need, it brings together the talents of STEM Ambassador team skills from Archaeology, Literature, Research and History. As part of the Caer Ely Heritage project they work specifically with primary and local secondary schools in the community of Ely.
Several schools feature on Curiosity Club’s website and twitter feed
The team develop their own STEM resources aligned with the new curriculum for Wales. Covering primary and secondary for raising attainment in literacy and attainment. The Club offers free youth led sessions to 5 feeder primary schools and Cardiff West
Community School.
"Curiosity Club gives young people in Caerau and Ely the opportunity to explore their local heritage through the lens of STEM. Our sessions are youth-led and aim to provide young people with a safe space where they can develop confidence through informal science learning, and strengthen their relationships with the local community. We explore young people's questions about the past through their interests (e.g. arts and crafts, food,
Minecraft), to provide novel access points to STEM education. We are also supported by Children in Need"; 
STEM Ambassador Poppy Hodkinson
Teacher Miss Davies
Summer Holiday Enrichment Programme Day 12. Thank you to these amazing ladies, the children loved the activity today. Great end to our sessions.
@SchoolTrelai @CuriosityClub2

FREE facilitated workshops and CPD

RSB Gopher Science Lab free online training for primary teachers


The Royal Society of Biology is offering 40 state-funded primary schools in the UK the opportunity for four teachers to have free access to RSB’s Gopher Science Lab online training course.With thanks to generous support from The Worshipful Company of Horners enabling RSB to offer this opportunity. Primary school teachers working in UK based, state-funded, primary schools can email Amanda Hardy to apply on behalf of their school to access the paid-for online training places on a first come first served basis.

Local and National events 

Community Event - Our space Our Future - Seaweed from Space 3rd December 5.30pm - 7pm.  Xplore Sciene Centre Wrexham 

Space science is not all exploration and astronauts, you know! There’s more seaweed than you’d think! Our research and technology in space is all about helping us to solve problems here on earth, like tracking climate and weather, observing how animal migration is changing, and communicating across the globe. Join Science Made Simple and Wrexham secondary school students working on the Our Space Our Future project for a family-friendly evening of activities showcasing the wonderful world of space science and the careers involved. Ideal for age 8+ but all welcome. To book go to 


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ASE: Superhero Science. Saturday 6 November 9.30 - 12.30. Online
Our everyday lives are affected by science. It is important for us all to have enough scientific knowledge so that we can make key life decisions.
Join ASE Cymru, Science Made Simple, Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum of Wales, University of Wales Trinity St David's and David Allen & Alex Sinclair, authors of Superhero Scientists for a series of workshops on how to help children to learn about the many scientific professions in the world and the discoveries that these incredible people have made and focus on inclusivity and diversity. 

Details of workshops and booking here.

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STEM into Christmas! Every Tuesday in November at 12.45pm and 3.45pm. Online

November 2/9/16/23/30

Get ready for the magic of Christmas with some inspirational STEM ideas to share with your learners.

STEM Ambassadors will introduce practical fun activities based on a Christmas theme which can be easily repeated in the classroom. Join us for a 15 min STEM workshop at either 12.45pm or 3.45pm on any Tuesday in November 2nd/9th/16th/23rd/30th or, if you can't make it, book onto the event then receive a link to the recorded session.

Book here.

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Royal Society of Chemistry: Tis the season for Primary science. Various dates in November. 4-4.45pm. Online

**The RSC are keen to  know how they can further help Primary teachers and ask them to answer 4 questions here.

Join us for live and interactive sessions on how to bring that festive spirit into your practical experiments this December. 

We aim to highlight some primary science practical experiments that can be given that festive twist and to provide you the opportunity for you to perform them with us live. 

We will demonstrate a set of practical experiments and provide you the opportunity to perform them alongside us. We will send you information a week before the session about what you need so that you and your colleagues can join in with the experiments.

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • have increased confidence in the delivery of a class practical. 
  • know what practical resources are available online.

This session will consist of a set of practical demonstrations, a presentation from a STEM ambassador, time for full group reflection and any questions.

Details and booking: 

Wednesday 3 November.     Thursday 11 November SESSION IN WELSH

Monday 15 November.        Thursday 25 November


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“Using space as a context for STEM”. FREE online primary CPD. Monday November 15 4 - 5pm. Online

The topic of Space is fascinating for all ages. But did you know that we can use “Space” as a context of delivery through which much of the primary science curriculum can be taught? This is a great way of engaging young students and inspiring them in those all-important STEM subjects.

This free online session will show you a fantastic range of quality assured resources developed by European Space Agency (ESA) and ESERO-UK (the European Space Educational Resource Office) which can be used free of charge to support your teaching. These ESERO-UK sessions are aiming to support teachers in Wales but are open to any UK primary school teacher. 

From material science to forces, plants to chemistry, there is something for everyone. Each resource is designed to link specifically to the National Curriculum and is laid out in a way that is easy to follow and implement. 

We will also help to support your school to reflect on your long-term planning for science and help colleagues to gain confidence in transforming either individual classrooms or indeed whole schools into “space rich” learning environments.

Book here.


FREE CREST Awards for Primary students

For the first time, CREST Awards for Primary pupils are now FREE in Wales!

CREST is a nationally recognised scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers through student-led project work in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths)

For Primary schools, CREST Star (Foundation) and CREST SuperStar (KS2) resources provide short, hands-on activities that inspire and challenge pupils to explore the world around them. Each activity is designed to last about an hour and the collections cover a wide range of topics with some suitable for outdoor learning. Once pupils have carried out 8 of the activities, they can be registered for an Award which consists of a certificate and a sew-on badge. These cost £1 per pupil in the rest of the UK but are now subsidised for all pupils in Wales by the Welsh Government.

Find out how you can make CREST Awards a part of your curriculum in the guide
here, with pages 12 to 15 specifically on the Curriculum for Wales.

You are welcome to contact Llinos for more details:

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First LEGO League Challenge for yrs 5, 6, 7 and 8 Open for Registrations

Registrations for First LEGO League Challenge 2021-22 CARGO CONNECT is now open.

Teams work to build and program an autonomous robot, research real-world problems and develop crucial life skills.

Regional events for Wales will be on the following dates:

  • 21 January in Rhumney
  • 25 January Cymraegfor Welsh medium schools
  • 28 January Pembrokeshire

See the competition website here.

Contact cerian.angharad@see-science.co.uk for more information on the Welsh heats.

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The Rees Jeffreys Road Fund Competition

Win £5,000 for your school!

As we recover from the pandemic, face the challenges of climate change and embrace new technologies, we have a unique opportunity to re-imagine our roads and streets in new ways. 

We’re looking for new and innovative ideas, creatively presented. Don’t limit yourself – we welcome poems, paintings, songs, videos –whatever format works for you.

We use streets and roads every day for getting to school, receiving deliveries, going on holiday and getting out into the great British countryside.

What ideas do you have to make all our journeys enjoyable and safe?

Closing date November 19.

Details here.

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Professional Teaching Awards Cymru

The Professional Teaching Awards Cymru honours the achievements of teachers up and down the country.

There are 10 Professional Teaching Awards, all of which are nominated for by the public. 

Nominees can include qualified teachers and support/youth work staff of pupils from the age of 3-18 in maintained school settings.

All finalists in each of the 10 categories are selected by a national panel of judges. 

Closing date for nominations is November 23.

Details here.

Latest CPD from your Science Learning Partnership

Online courses for teachers

A range of free-to-access online courses for teachers at every stage of their career. You will have the opportunity to learn from leading experts and share ideas with thousands of other educators across the world. Download the calendar to see what courses are on offer and when they are available to join.


To find out more about the latest CPD from your Science Learning  Partnership click here

Follow us on facebook - See Science  have a facebook page 
Please like or follow the page