How CREST can help schools achieve the four purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales
The following are extracts from a CREST blog which you can find here.
We’ve spoken to Rachael Mackay, Year 6 teacher and STEM lead at Monnow Primary School in Newport, about her experience of running CREST, the benefits for pupils and how the activities align with the four purposes.
Teacher Rachael Mackay ran our ‘Machines of the future’ Discovery challenge - “the largest project that we undertook”. This project encourages children to think about machine learning and AI, how it relates to their lives and how we can best harness it in the future. It is also available in Welsh language.
She said:
“This [project] hit so many of the four purposes. The children had to be ambitious and capable, as much of their work was team-based, with children taking specific roles within the group.
“They had to be enterprising and creative in order to think about and put together ideas for a machine that nobody else had yet thought of – and of course they then had to physically create that machine!
“They also had to be ethically informed citizens, as they had to consider how their prototypes could be made using only recycled or reused items and they also had to think about whether the creation of the machine would take employment away from an individual or group of people.”
If you would like to learn more about how CREST could fit into your school’s curriculum, contact