Rolls Royce Schools – Science and Technology Prize
Ysgol y Graig Primary School in Cefn Coed, Merthyr Tydfil, were really excited to be
announced as finalists in the Rolls Royce Schools - Science and Technology Prize Awards
2024. The school’s ‘Bwyd am Bawb’ project gained them one of the finalist places. A team of staff from the school recently attended the awards ceremony, which was held at Rolls Royce headquarters in Derby.
The ’Bwyd am Bawb’ project was developed, after the school successfully received £6,000 of funding from Rolls Royce. The funding was used to create an onsite allotment, which all
children and staff within the school have been involved in planting, maintaining and
harvesting. The project created a wealth of opportunities and experiences in developing
STEM within the school, from looking at environmental science, research and budgeting
tasks, as well as the designing and engineering of raised planters. ‘Bwyd am Bawb’ has also been significantly supported by outside agencies, such as STEM ambassadors and experts from local companies and businesses, which has created opportunities for the children to gain knowledge about possibly future career paths.
The project has also benefited the local community, as produce grown in the allotment has
been donated to local struggling families. As the project continues to grow overtime, the
produce grown will be used for cooking opportunities within the school’s STEM curriculum,
that will be sold cheaply to struggling families and local residents. Profit made from the
sales of meals, as well as produce being sold in a farmers’ market, will be put towards
purchasing seeds, compost and additional tools for the following years. “As the project
develops and grows over the years, we hope that with their increased knowledge and
experience, the children will take full ownership of the project and plan, implement and run
the project themselves” - Matthew Howells, Project Lead.
Mr David Anstee, Headteacher said - “The Rolls Royce project has significantly enhanced
STEM learning at our Ysgol Y Graig, leading to increased pupil engagement and the
development of essential skills like critical thinking and problem-solving. The project fosters a community-wide appreciation for STEM.”
Melfyn Jones, School Governor and local resident said - “In my opinion, this project theme is rather innovative in its ability to positively link to the school's STEM curriculum and also to bring together parents and other members of the community to work together to bring
about its success.”
The Rolls Royce funding has provided the school with an amazing facility, which has
developed a wealth of learning experiences and opportunities. The project is fully
embedded within the school’s STEM curriculum and will continue to develop and grow for
many years to come.
The competition is open to both primary and secondary schools across the UK and you will be able to register your interst for the 2025 competition - more infomation here