For all teachers of Physics...
A fabulous free week of presentations and workshops for teachers, technicians and PGCE students with opportunities to network with colleagues online.
We will offer workshops between 16:00 and 20:00 each evening Monday – Friday, as well as a full programme on Wednesday (09:00 – 20:00) and Saturday morning (09:00 – 13:00) with a choice of workshops, shows and presentations.
Please join us for a full week of workshops and inspiring lectures which include ‘Movement, Measurement and the Laws of Motion‘ – Prof Huw Summers (Swansea University); ‘New Worlds‘ – Prof Mike Edmunds (Cardiff University) and ‘The Planet of Pollution‘ – Prof Averil MacDonald OBE (Southampton University).
Workshops will include Earth in Space; Lego Physics; Sunglasses, Violins and Electrons; Physics with Balloons – and the Annual (virtual) Quiz from Zeera‘s!
Technicians are also welcome to attend a full day of workshops on Wednesday 7th October as well as engage with other events during the week
The full programme can be viewed here or on Talk Physics (www.talkphysics.org) and registration is here.