Welcome to the latest STEM newsletter  for  Secondary Schools and FE Colleges Schools from your local STEM Ambassador Hub.


We hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful holiday and we are looking forward to working with you to enthuse and engage young poeple in STEM. during the new academic year. There are several new STEM engagement opportunities available for the forthcoming half term. Please contact us directly to discuss your individual needs.


STEM Ambassadors are still keen to offer as many enrichment opportunities as possible to learners. Please encourage colleagues to register with STEM Learning in order to receive the See Science newsletter in the future using the link: www.stem.org.uk/user/register


See Science  have a facebook page where we will also be sharing lots of new ideas regularly - please like or follow the page.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can support the teaching of STEM subjects 


With best wishes 
The See Science Team

The newsletter that's an essential source of information and inspiration for teachers and anyone with an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) engagement in Wales.




Local and National Events

Online Workshops and ongoing support

Competitions, Resources and CPD from STEM Learning


Are your colleagues registered with STEM Learning and receiveing the Hub newsletter. Please share this link to enable registration. 
STEM Ambassador's involvement can engage and enthuse both students and teachers. If you are interested in asking a STEM Ambassador to assist you can make your request here. We’ve created brief guides to encourage both STEM Ambassadors and educators to use the self-service. 


If an Ambassador has engaged with you, or if you have met an Ambassador at an enrichment activity, we would be very grateful if you could fill in our teacher feedback form. Please encourage colleagues to respond.



The Eisteddfod in Tregaron 2022

It was so good to be back on the Eisteddfod field in Tregaron at the beginning of August. Our favourite place, of course, was the Science and Technology Village! The village was a hive of activity throughout the week with events, demonstrations, experiments, discussions, lectures and more. Some of our highlights were the ‘gwyddoniaith’ sessions – collaborations between scientists and authors – Technocamps workshops and the daily STEM Show. The whole village was co-ordinated by M-SParc and congratulations to them on creating a top notch space and programme. Onwards to Eisteddfod Llŷn ac Eifionydd in 2023!

A note from Technocaps in Tregaron Eisteddfod
We were proud to participate in this year’s Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in Tregaron between 30 July – 6 August.

Our stand on the Maes hosted a variety of activities during the week for all ages such as programming robots and coding. The Technocamps team from Bangor University brought along their Rubik’s cubes, which were very popular with both children and adults. We were demonstrating how to program a robot to suss the puzzle!

Swansea University was one of the main sponsors of the Eisteddfod’s Science and Technology Village where our stand was situated. Visitors from the worlds of education, politics and the arts were amongst those taking part in the activities on our stand and walking away with some of our famous yellow merch.

Here’s to next year in Boduan!

More information

National Numeracy Day with STEM Ambassadors.


National Numeracy Day’s fifth birthday was a breakthrough year, achieving a genuinely transformative level of impact across the UK. The number of champion organisations promoting National Numeracy Day rose 71% on last year to 4,813. We even set a new Guinness World Record with schoolchildren across the UK.
This year STEM Ambassadors for Wales  supported National Numeracy Day with a series of videos relating Maths as
applied to their working lives.
From a fun and engaging activity for primary pupils to current topics on Maths for Secondary schools, these
videos aim to illustrate the ever important role that maths plays in everyday lives. Influence that is often
hidden from view.
Dr Brais Lopez Parades Data Scientist IQVIA 
How Maths is used in Pharmaceutical trials: https://youtu.be/kmFLR_B1_qE

Robert Bowen Graduate Engineer Babcock International Group plc
Maths in Marine Defence: https://youtu.be/jtldiayu56Q

Dr Claudia Medrano Tutor and Maths Researcher
The Art of Pi for Primary pupils:  https://youtu.be/9qDm_5l_KPI

Dr David Willock Reader in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Cardiff University 
Chemistry and Maths: https://youtu.be/oOFgKJKwAs0

More information

Chemical scientists working in Wales from the Royal Society of Chemistry

Explore our new career profiles (available in Welsh and English) and find out how Welsh scientists are making a difference to our world. Your learners can explore the profiles and see the fascinating careers that studying chemistry can lead to.
Job profiles of chemical scientists in Wales | RSC Education

Local events

The Magic of Science - Saturday 8th October 2022 - Christ College Brecon 

IOP Wales presents a day of Science for all teachers, parents and their families. All Free of charge. 

Join the Institute of Physics, supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Association for Science Education, for a Festival of Science. 

The Magic of Science
 events will include: Harry Potter – Science or Magic?, Frozen! and the Devastatingly Dramatic Climate Show, where families and friends together with primary and secondary teachers will enjoy sharing and networking opportunities.

During the lunch break we will hold The Great Science Share: Earth, Wind and Fire. Our beautiful planet is a great place to live and a great place to learn! Join the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics and Badminton School’s Science Outreach Team to soar through the physics of the atmosphere. In this hands-on session we investigate fiery tornadoes and lightning and watch a cloud being made. Then enjoy a trip deep into the Earth to learn about magnetic fields and their role in proving that continents drift.

Bring your own science demonstrations to share with others. To find out more about the day and to book please click here

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The National Education Show Cardiff 7 October 2022

The National Education Show is the leading education event in Wales providing opportunities and new ways to improve and raise standards, enhance learning experiences and support learners.

The National Education Show 2022 face-to-face show will be held at Cardiff City Hall on Friday 7th October.The day is designed to provide opportunities and new ways to improve and raise standards, enhance learning experiences and support learners. A must-attend event for everyone working in education including early years, primary, secondary, HE and FE. An ideal way to optimise your CPD training and explore products and services through an action packed day.The National Education Show delivers inspiring seminars from sector leaders and opportunities to meet a wide variety of exhibitors, the show is a must-attend event for everyone working in the education sector.

By visiting the show, you will:
• gain access to over 40+ CPD seminars;
• take home strategies & resources to raise standards, enhance learning experiences & support learners;
• engage in great networking opportunities with your peers & speakers;
• empower and inspire your staff;
• trial the latest products/services and receive exclusive offers from exhibitors

Click here to register for your FREE entry ticket

Click here to view Seminar Timetable

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Newtown Science Festival  - 17 September 2022

We're bringing together a wide selection of science organisations to teach kids about the exciting science happening right now!

Join us for our one day event celebrating all the different exciting science research happening right now. Come and see for yourself just what's being discovered. From 3d printers to mars rovers to farming technology, there's something for everyone.

Tickets allow free entrance to the festival and any workshops or talks. The entire event is completely free and there are no hidden costs on the day. For more details please click here

This event is aimed at ages 7 - 16, but all ages are welcome. You don't need to be an expert in science to enjoy our different exhibits. Our experts will show you their area of science in an easy to understand way, regardless of your science background.

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We are delighted to see the return of the Festival of Ideas and look forward to welcoming you all to the Computational Foundry.

This years Festival is being organised by the Computational Foundry and students from the Centre for Doctoral Training in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence Driven Systems.

We have great high profile speakers lined up, including former SAS leader, Star of Channels 4's SAS: Who Dares Wins and Sunday Times Bestseller, Colin MacLachlan, founder of Women in Tech, Lisa Short, a renowned and highly regarded world leading environmentalist who has recently received a CBE, Tavi Murray, and a panel discussion with experts in cyber security from CYTREC. Full agenda to be confirmed soon.

Our Centre’s community aspires to have a high degree of diversity of perspective. This is embedded within the Festival. Our aim is to appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience; provoking thought, inspiration and excitement, whilst learning, networking and having fun!

The Festival wants to give postgraduates from any University, across any discipline the opportunity to share their ideas. This will be achieved in one of two ways:

Via a 3 minute ‘Why My Research Matters’ talk and/or a poster. Prizes will be given for the best entries. To learn more about the event and please visit the website ​​​​ here or e mail computational foundry@swansea.ac.uk

 Events for teachers 

The 21st Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference / 21ain Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg Cymru

A Blended Approach / Monday 3rd October - Saturday 8th October 2022

For all teachers of Physics and Science technicians … join the Welsh Physics Teachers Conference Brecon 2022 - a fabulous free week of presentations and workshops for both primary and secondary teachers, technicians and PGCE students with opportunities to network with colleagues.

We offer 12 online workshops, shows and presentations between 5.00pm and 8.00pm each evening Monday – Thursday including ‘The Physics of Medical Imaging’, ‘How do Scientists Think; Mathematics in Physics; The New Curriculum in Wales and Aquanauts and Astronauts. 
The Friday In-person Conference will take place at Christ College, Brecon (09.15 -16.00) where we will be joined by Owen Evans (ESTYN), Helen Francis (WJEC) and Felix Flicker (Cardiff University). There will be an opportunity to engage in a wide variety of workshops. Technician workshops will also run in parallel throughout the day.

To find out more about the workshops click  here or to book please go to here

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ASE Teachmeet - Caridff Metropolitan University, Cyncoed Road. 28th September  4.30pm

Come along for an action packed teachmeet and networking opportunity at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

The ASE Cymru Regional Committee , Royal Society of Chemistry and Institute of Physics invite you to an idea-packed science teachmeet in Cardiff Metropolitan Universitywhere there will also be an opportunuity to welcoem new PGCE students as well as share ideas and experiences regarding the new Curriculum for Wales . Educators are welcome to come along and share their own ideas with a 5 minute sharing slot or just to gather ideas and learn from others.

Networking will begin at 4:30pm with the aim of starting at 5pm
To book your place please click here

Events for technicians

21st Welsh Physics Teachers Conference Brecon

Workshops for Lab Technicians - Friday 7th October 2022

As part of this fabulous free week of presentations and workshops, the IOP is offering a series of technician workshops on Friday 7th October at Christ College, Brecon.

The workshops will be run by the highly experienced Paul Cook RSciTech Hon.FInstP, Senior Lead Technician, Ark Burlington Danes Academy. Paul is also an Honorary Member of the Institute of Physics, has worked abroad and has been presented with a number of awards. Many of you will have seen his handy hints and tips in Facebook videos or attended some of his CPD sessions at the ASE.

Paul will be holding a masterclass on a number of the more difficult to set up Physics equipment – such as ripple tanks, oscilloscopes and signal generators. He will also show us how to get the best out of multimeters and circuits.

FREE registration and further details of the workshops here.

Free workshops

Free Energy Quest Workshops

All state funded schools in the UK are eligible to receive at least 1 Energy Quest workshop and eligible schools can receive as many as 8! Funded by Shell, over the last six years EngineeringUK has developed Energy Quest into a well-received programme, reaching 215,000 young people through 3,150 sessions in 1,460 UK schools

Energy Quest is a free two-hour workshop aimed at KS3 pupils. Through an exciting narrative, students are challenged to save the day by utilising their practical engineering skills and find a solution to help a group of young people in danger. During the challenge, students encounter a range of engineers as they uncover the skills engineers possess and the way energy plays an important role in all our lives.

See Science will be delivering the workshops throughout this coming year. Schools who received sessions last year are eligible to book again for the new school year.

More information here or get in touch with Llinos at llinos.misra@see-science.co.uk to book your sessions.

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IOP Teachers Forum Sept 8th 

The IOP Wales Physics Teachers' Online Forum at 7pm is a fantastic opportunity to join up with other teachers of physics from across Wales and beyond to share ideas and resources. All teachers or school technicians (in fact anybody) with an interest in Physics teaching are welcome. Register here.


IMechE Vision of the Future Competition

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is celebrating its’ 175th anniversary this year and its Nuclear Power Committee has organised this competition to celebrate the benefits of engineering. Engineers have built our past but will also shape the future.The past history of the IMechE has seen flight progressfrom a short hop off the ground to flights to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Transport has evolved from the pace of the horse to driverless vehicles. Consider the key challenges and opportunities facing society today such as food and farming, transport, housing, energy and renewables, climate change, manufacturing, shopping habits, healthcare and medicine, communications, space exploration and social media.

What do you think the future world will look like? What exciting opportunities lie ahead for engineers to design and build? 

Choose one of the above themes or an alternative theme of your choice and provide us your vision by any of the following methods. Enter as an individual or as a group (maximum 5 team members).

  • A drawing or painting by hand and 1 page written description
  • A digital painting or poster and 1 page written description
  • A video (5 minutes maximum) and 1 page written description

Age categories from 5 to 24 years old.

Closing date for entries, Friday 28 October.

Details here.

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The UK CanSat Competition

The CanSat competition provides students with the opportunity to have practical experience working on a small-scale space project. They are tasked with designing and building their own simulation of a real satellite, integrated within the volume and shape of a soft drink can. The challenge for students is to fit all the major subsystems found in a satellite, such as power, sensors and a communication system, into this minimal volume. After building their CanSat teams will be invited to launch events across the UK to launch their CanSats on small rockets, with their CanSats returning to Earth using a parachute designed by the students.

Teams are set a primary mission of measuring air pressure and air temperature during the CanSats decent, with data being transmitted to the students' ground station. They are also tasked with design a secondary mission of their choosing. It can be based on other satellite missions, a perceived need for scientific data for a specific project, a technology demonstration for a student-designed component, or any other mission that would fit the CanSat’s capabilities. 

For those aged 14 and above.  Details here.

Registration deadline is October 1st and the competition runs until April.

Awards and funding opportunities 

Apply now for FIRST LEGO League Funding 2022-23

FIRST LEGO League deliver hands-on STEM experiences for children aged 4-16 years through our three FIRST® LEGO® League divisions across the UK and Ireland.

The IET, in collaboration with our sponsors and donors, are excited to be able to offer a limited number of funded team registrations and class packs for the three FIRST® LEGO® League divisions. 

Schools, colleges, home school groups, uniformed or youth groups based in the UK and Ireland can apply.

The current phase of funding closes on September 11th.    All details here.

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Online courses for teachers

A range of free-to-access online courses for teachers at every stage of their career. You will have the opportunity to learn from leading experts and share ideas with thousands of other educators across the world. Download the calendar to see what courses are on offer and when they are available to join.

Latest CPD from your Science Learning Partnership

From crime scene to courtroom: who’s committed the enviro crime, and can you ensure they do time? -

13 October 2022-  Forest Farm Country Park, Forest Farm Rd, Cardiff CF14 7JH

With an environmental crime having been committed, educators take on the role of trainee Environment Officers and take part in a day of cross-curricular outdoor learning, hands on activities and challenges. Putting the Curriculum for Wales into action, can they investigate, gather evidence and build a case to take the offender to court?  Creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, planning and teamwork across the 6 AoLE will be required to ensure justice is served. (Teachers in Wales only) Enquiries: joss@techniquest.org

To find out more about the latest CPD from your Science Learning  Partnership click here

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