Inclusion & Diversity Fortnight - No Outsiders
Usk C.V Primary School, Monmouth Rd, Usk, NP5 1SE
6/1/25 - 17/1/25
For the first two weeks in January, we are running a No Outsiders project. "All different, all welcome". We would like to invite STEM ambassadors in, from all walks of life, to share their stories and perhaps how they've overcome challenges to get to where they are in their career. We want our learners to celebrate who they are and encourage their aspirations. We believe nothing should stop them from achieving their goals, no matter their background, race, colour, ethnicity, gender or other protected characteristics. We know that their is a gender imbalance within STEM and would love to hear from women who would love to share their stories. Ultimately, we want to tackle STEM stereotyping! We're looking for ambassadors to deliver short assemblies to the whole school (no longer than 25 minutes) but if you'd rather come in to visit classes individually to share your experiences, that's also fine. If you'd like to come in and share your STEM story, please get in touch. We are also running a 'No Outsiders' festival day on Friday 10th January so if you'd like to join us for that, please feel free. We can use this as an opportunity to promote various career options for our learners. If you are interested in attending this event please register your interest using the link here or email