Dear Ambassadors

Welcome to the latest STEM newsletter  for STEM Ambassadors in Wales from your local STEM Ambassador Hub. 
We welcome all  offers from STEM Ambassadors to help with any enrichment opportunities - please contact us directly to discuss your individual needs.

See Science are keen to offer as many enrichment opportunities as possible to learners acorss Wales.  Please ensure that  colleagues who are registered  with  STEM Learning have ticked the box to receive newsletters in preferences in order to receive the See Science newsletter in the future using the link: and then opt to receive the newsletter in preferences.

See Science  have a facebook page where we will also be sharing lots of new ideas regularly - please like or follow the page.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can support the teaching of STEM subjects.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year

Best wishes
The STEM Ambassador Team @See Science


News from  STEM Ambassadors 


Primary School Opportunities 

Secondary School Opportunities


Other Opportunities 



KLA Corporation

STEM Ambassadors at KLA Corporation have enjoyed getting back to face-to-face STEM outreach projects this year, both out in the community and at their factory in Newport (South Wales), where they manufacture semiconductor equipment. In September 2022, they ran one of many activities at an event celebrating the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, which was organised by Girl Guiding Gwent at Chepstow Racecourse. One activity involved small groups of Guides and Brownies manipulating the code of a BBC micro:bit-controlled robot car to navigate a maze marked out on the floor. The company also organised two “Bring Your Kids to Work” days for employees’ children aged from 5-11yrs, which included a guided tour of its cleanroom for the children by their STEM Ambassadors.

More news

STEM visits to Swansea University by Gower College and Atlantic College (Yamni Nigam – love a

Gower College
On the 1st of December a group of approximately 20 students from Gower College, with an interest in healthcare, arrived to visit Swansea University. Their morning was taken up by a maggot workshop and maggot lecture explaining the role of medicinal maggots in chronic wound care. Students then had the opportunity to explore the life cycle of maggot therapy and the clinical application of this therapy. Students enjoyed the many models and living specimens.

Atlantic College
On December the 8 th , a group of young 6th form students from Atlantic College visited Swansea University. They wanted to understand and learn a little bit more about the science maggot therapy, and the research undertaken at Swansea University to understand further and the role of maggots in modern medicine. These students were particularly interested in pursuing STEM subjects and research after sixth form. Students were given an hour-long seminar on maggots and maggot therapy - the session was very interactive with interested students asking many brilliant questions! They also enjoyed playing a maggot game, trying to knock out a bacterial infection from a chronic
wound, using maggots! Prizes (maggot mugs) were awarded for students who managed to knock out all 5 species of bacteria! All participants received liquorice maggots! Students were then taken on a tour of the research labs in the Institute of Life Science, to get an insight into the medical research currently being undertaken at Swansea


Update employer details, add your activities and while there check out the schemes you could get involved with. We are pleased to let you know that we have added ‘Research’, ‘Innovation’, ‘Life Sciences’ and ‘Earth Science’ as new areas of expertise on our STEM Ambassador profile. If you have experience in any of these areas - either through your job or a subject you have a passion for - we would be grateful if you could let us know. 

Updating your profile on a regular basis helps us understand the landscape of our current volunteer base, and helps those requesting support to find you more quickly.
Update your profile here

The winter season is a time to look back and reflect on all the incredible work you do as an Ambassador. Before binning your 2022 diary, have you double-checked to make sure you've submitted all your volunteering hours? Record these before 16 January to see if you have reached one of our hour milestones, and receive a shiny badge to share on social media and in your emails. Especially designed for our 20th anniversary, you won't be able to unlock these forever. Record your hours here.

Opportunites to engage

This is Me  - I'm a STEM Ambassador  

Can you spare 30 minutes to join  See Science on 25th January  between 3.45pm and 4.15pm . An opportunity to explain to teachers who have not previously engaged with the program about the range of amazing work that is carried out by our volunteers
Who are the STEM Ambassadors? How can we access them in school? How can I really easily see how they can fit into the curriculum? How can they link to careers and the Gatsby Benchmarks?

As a STEM Ambassador Hub, all the time teachers ask us, who are the STEM Ambassadors? What types of people do you have? How can we use them easily?

This short session will show you how! Come online with the team from See Science for a short session on how to utilise our STEM ambassador offers of short, 3 minute presentations and how they can contribute to the new Curriculum for Wales. To book a place go here 

Read more

Energy Quest Workshops

All state funded schools in the UK are eligible to receive at least 1 Energy Quest workshop and eligible schools can receive as many as 8! Funded by Shell, over the last six years EngineeringUK has developed Energy Quest into a well-received programme, reaching 215,000 young people through 3,150 sessions in 1,460 UK schools

Energy Quest is a free two-hour workshop aimed at KS3 pupils. Through an exciting narrative, students are challenged to save the day by utilising their practical engineering skills and find a solution to help a group of young people in danger. During the challenge, students encounter a range of engineers as they uncover the skills engineers possess and the way energy plays an important role in all our lives.

See Science will be delivering the workshops throughout this coming year. We are keen for STEM Ambassadors to support the delivery of the workshops 

More information here or get in touch with Llinos at find out more about schools who have booked session so far.

Networking Opportunities

ASE Teach Meet - Assessment and the new Curriculum in Wales. Wednesday 18 January 4.30 - 6pm. Alun School, Mold

The purpose of assessment is to support each individual learner to progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. As Curriculum for Wales rolls out in schools and settings across Wales, it marks a significant shift in the role of assessment within education - join us to share your concerns, ideas and experience.Details and booking here.

More Opportunities

FREE CREST Awards in Wales – Online event to find out more! For SECONDARY schools on Tuesday 24 January. Online

Similar events:

For PRIMARY schools on Wednesday 1 February

WELSH LANGUAGE session for Primary and Secondary on Tuesday 31 January

We’d love to see you at one of our free online events, run in partnership with the British Science Association (BSA), to learn more about the CREST Awards scheme in Wales, including how you can claim your FREE CREST Awards and use the activities to enrich your school's new curriculum.

The CREST Awards is a STEM enrichment scheme run by the BSA that inspires young people of all ages to think and behave like scientists and engineers using investigative project work.

We will share everything you need to know to start running the CREST Awards scheme at your school and will showcase the CREST Discovery Day resource, ‘Machines of the Future’, which is appropriate for Years 5 to 9.

Did you know?

  • CREST Award fees for all students in Wales are paid in full by the Welsh government until at least 31 March 2025.
  • All CREST activities are enquiry-based and student-led with strong, real-world content, making them a great fit for the Curriculum for Wales.
  • CREST Awards can be an integral part of your curriculum or it can provide activities for a STEM Club.
  • Many of the activities are low cost and easy to run, without the need for specialist equipment, making them appropriate for a range of settings in and outside of schools.

Book here.

STEM Ambassador opportunities Primary School

Usk C.V School, NP15 1SE
Greenpower Goblin G2 Kit Car – Project mentoring

9th January 2023 – 31st March 2023
Usk CiW Primary are looking for enthusiastic individuals who are willing to support the staff and children in Y5/6 to build and race the Greenpower Goblin G2 Kit Car. We were originally meant to do this project in 2019 but Covid-19 put pay to that so after Christmas we are finally launching this project with our learners. If you got in touch with us previously to offer help and are still willing, please do get in touch again. We are looking for as much support as possible to enhance this project, motivate our learners and show them what potential careers await them. We really want to raise the profile of STEM and this would be the perfect way to do it. Perhaps you have a background in Engineering or vehicles? Maybe you've supported another school with the same project? Please get in touch. Kind regards, Alice
To express interest contact or click here

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Derwendeg Primary School, CF82 7HP
Space – Interactive classroom session
16th January 2023 (Flexible dates)

An interactive hands on demonstration to go along with the topic of Space, especially rocket making/launching would be ideal. Dates are flexible so any date a STEM Ambassador can go in to host an interactive activity would be appreciated.
To express interest contact or click here

STEM Ambassador Opportunities online

Physics Teacher Forum – STEM presentation/Q&A

12th January 2023 & 2nd February 2023

To promote the variety of employment opportunities available both locally and nationally. STEM Ambassadors are invited to provide a short presentation about the application of Physics in their day to day work
To express interest contact or click here

STEM ambassador Opportunites Secondary schools and Colleges

St Josephs Catholic High School, LL13 7EN
Mock interview sessions – Employability skills eg) mock interviews/C.V writing
17th January 2023

The interviews will take place in half-hour sessions, throughout the morning, arrival at 8.50 a.m. starting with a briefing session for participants at 9.00 a.m. with interviews commencing at 9.15 a.m. and at half hour intervals thereafter with a mid-morning break. The morning will conclude at around 12.30 p.m. You will be interviewing approximately six pupils. The aim of the morning will be to equip young people with valuable information, hints and experience of how to conduct themselves during an interview. This will be a unique learning opportunity to think about the values, skills, qualities, and aptitudes that they will need for their future life and work – as they prepare to go to college and/or to maximize their chances of finding the right job or career. Questions and feedback forms will be provided.
To express interest contact or click here

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Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School, SA11 3TA
Yr 7 STEM Day – STEM workshop/practical activity
7th February 2023

We want to run a fun and interactive day of different activities for our year 7 pupils. To allow them to engage with a broader idea of what STEM is in society. We would like topics that they would not see in day-to-day science curriculum. We would like pupils to be able to complete a range of hands on workshops and/or interactive activities. You will need to run 5 sessions throughout the day (one session repeated for 5 classes). We do have some resources, and are happy to complete any printing. Please discuss any requirements in advance. Our Timetabled day is the following: Lesson 1: 8.30-9.30 Lesson 2: 9.30-10.30 Break and form: 10.30-11.05 Lesson 3: 11.05-12.05 Lunch: 12.05-12.45 Lesson 4: 12.45-13.45 Lesson 5: 13.45-2.45
To express interest contact or click here

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Monmouth Comprehensive School, NP25 3YT
Careers and higher education fair – STEM careers: advice/speed networking
Wednesday 8 th February 2023.

On behalf of the School, I would like to invite you to Monmouth Comprehensive School’s Careers and Higher Education Fair on Wednesday 8 th February 2023. The event will take place between 6pm and 8pm. The Careers and Higher Education Fair is the centrepiece of our Careers and Pathways Programme and is an eagerly anticipated occasion in the school calendar. It is open to Years 9-13 (ages 14-19) and the event benefits students, and parents alike, in many different ways such as subject choices at Year 9 for GCSE and Year 11 for post-16 choices. It is also a fantastic opportunity for students considering applications for University or career choices and for those looking to research and organise work experience placements. Our students are very grateful for the knowledge and expertise they are able to access throughout the course of the event. Students return to school with renewed enthusiasm, a wealth of information and, in some cases, a clear sense of direction for their career/education pathway. In addition, the calibre of the event has received county recognition, as the feedback has demonstrated the professional and inspirational quality of the occasion. We are fortunate to be supported year after year by multi-national companies, local organisations and members of the community. We would like to emphasise that this event is not a recruitment fair but an event to access information and advice from professional sources. The format for the event is as follows: Date: Wednesday, 8 th February 2023 Venue: Monmouth Comprehensive School Time: 6–8pm.
To express interest contact or click here

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The Maelor School, LL13 0LU
Mock interview sessions – Employability skills - mock interviews/C.V writing
16th February 2023

The interviews will take place in half-hour sessions, throughout the morning, arrival at 8.50 a.m. starting with a briefing session for participants at 9.00 a.m. with interviews commencing at 9.15 a.m. and at half hour intervals thereafter with a mid-morning break. The morning will conclude at around 12.30 p.m. You will be interviewing approximately six pupils. The aim of the morning will be to equip young people with valuable information, hints and experience of how to conduct themselves during an interview. This will be a unique learning opportunity to think about the values, skills, qualities, and aptitudes that they will need for their future life and work – as they prepare to go to college and/or to maximize their chances of finding the right job or career. Questions and feedback forms will be provided.
To express interest contact or click here

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Merthyr Tydfil College, CF48 1AR
International Learning Exchange Programme – STEM workplace visit
9th January 2023 onwards

Merthyr College would like to establish a partnership with a STEM employer to engage students completing A level/BTEC applied Science courses. This may involve a project/ site visit/ careers talks. UK/Europe
To express interest contact or click here

Networking Opportunity

Sign up to Mentor a student

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to support and inspire students by sharing your education and career experiences, and help young people to set goals and overcome challenges. All mentors receive training on using the secure online messaging system.

STEM Ambassador mentor sign-ups are now open, with a deadline of 7 February. Mentoring itself will take place from 27 February to 7 May 2023.
Sign up here

Mars Day 7th March 2023

The next mission to Mars (Day) will land on 7 March 2023. Flight plans are being drawn up for this exciting day of virtual talks and sessions from ESA, UK Space Agency and international guests. This year, Mars Day will once again include a whole hour of activities in Mars Hour at 11am, as well as a week of exploration with Mars Week.

Get involved early on by volunteering to talk about all things space and Mars in particular.

Find out more here