Join us to explore how sustainability can be linked to chemistry, biology and physics in a day of workshops and discussions for teachers of science. Together with the ASE, IOP and Swansea University’s Reducing Industrial Carbo n Emissions (RICE) project, we will deliver activities and practicals on a range of topics, including the important role that algae can play in decarbonising industry, and an investigation of microscale science as a more sustainable approach to practical work.
This fully funded event is supported by STEM Learning and is aimed at secondary science teachers, technicians, newly qualified teachers and trainee teachers, and would be of most benefit to those developing new curriculums and/or working with classes in progression step 4 and progression step 5 (approx KS3 and KS4).
Tea and cake will be available from 3.30pm with an opportunity to network
Details and booking here.
On Saturday we will also organsie a morning of events for families at the Anglesey Sea Zoo - including a Physics workshop "floating and sinking". a tour of the Zoo and prtesentation from the Oceanography Dept , Bangor University. Contact for more details. |